Friday, May 8, 2009

Noah's 1st Birthday

So yesterday, May 7th, was my not so little baby's birthday. It was really weird for me to go through a birthday for me that was so much work to have. All day I kept thinking about "Oh, I went to the hospital now. I was in labor here." etc. etc.

As luck would have it, I have decided that my poor baby has not had a good May 7th yet during his existence here. The first one he was being pushed out and I don't imagine that was an enjoyable experience for him. This year, he was really sick. He'd been running a fever for the last week, but now for the last few days he hasn't been eating. I mean yesterday he had 1 1/2 bottles, a little cereal, and some fruit. ALL DAY! No juice, no water, nothing. So for his birthday, I got to take him to urgent care b/c his silly doctor was closed in the middle of the day. Side note: It was sort of weird b/c I have to pass the hospital to get to the urgent care & I passed it and the room where he was born at exactly the time he was born. It was sort of trippy and emotional.

Anyhoo, the doctor said he had an ear infection & that was probably affecting his desire to eat. My poor baby cried all day and felt as terrible as he looked.


1 comment:

Thom and Laci Quist said...

Poor guy sick on his Birthday! Not fun for you or him I am sure. Hope he gets better soon!