Monday, September 21, 2009

You Know You've Been in the Hospital Too Long When......

You know you’ve been in the hospital too long when…

-you know ALL of the nurses and patient care technicians
-you know some of the nurses’ schedules
-you can talk to a nurse about her son’s wedding because you knew it was going to happen
-you don’t have to look at the menu to order food because you know it all
-the cleaning ladies ask how your parents’ move is going
-the nurses offer to go themselves to buy something for you to keep boredom away
-workers in the hospital know your son by name
-you have your own private room (lifesaver!)
-you can successfully instruct the medical students how to operate the fetal heart monitor because they’re not sure what to do
-the room service staff knows some of the food you like and you can ask them about some of the classes you know they’re taking
-you’ve watched women come in, give birth, and then go home; now their babies are a few weeks old
-you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve been poked to start a new IV
-there is a permanent indentation in your bed from where you sit all day
-you have family pictures up on the wall
-you know the schedule of most of the TV channels’ programs
-it would take a while to collect all of your stuff in your room because you’ve collected so much personal stuff, necessary items, and activities

And finally….

-the sun was still up at 8 o’clock in the evening when you came to the hospital, now it’s not even up at 6:45

These are all true, just to name a few. I have been here for a month tomorrow and will hopefully be here for at least another 5 ½ weeks. :)

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