Friday, February 6, 2009

Noah's Nebulizer

Noah's been sick for a couple of weeks now and we've been to the doctor three times. Finally, the doctor determined that he has bronchiolitis. He has to be on a vapor nebulizer every 4-6 hours for about 10 minutes each treatment. First, he's a little baby and has no patience for 10 minutes of sucking in icky vapors. Secondly, they didn't give us a mask but just a mouthpiece. This makes it trickier to keep it in and give him the most vapors.

Regardless, he is doing excellent & I must give my baby praises for how well he is taking it. The first night he had a treatment, he screamed bloody murder while sitting between Danny and I. Before we knew it, it was silent. This is why:

ADORABLE! My baby boy was tuckered out! :)

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