Friday, April 3, 2009

Time Flies

I don't have much desire to write tonight because I'm so tired, but I've been thinking how fast time goes. In less than 2 weeks I turn 24! 23 went so fast b/c I had only been it for 3 weeks before Noah was born. Speaking of that, Noah's 1st birthday is in about 5 weeks!!!! AAAAHHH! Where did my newborn go? I don't really have a baby anymore. Currently he is walking around everything and pulling everything down. We couldn't get time to go fast enough just a few years ago and now I can't even find the slow button. I think it's just stuck on fast forward.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I have been feeling the same way lately. I turn 25 next week, and then 4 days later my little baby will be 1! It's crazy how time flies when you don't want it to.